Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Boiled egg salad with smoked frankfurters, Non seasonal salad whether its summer or winter one can enjoy this salad....Irresistable!!!

Prep 15 mins
cook 15mins

Easy to make



1 egg
1 scallion onion
half of green sweet pepper
2 smoked frankfurter sausages
2 slices of  white stale bread
cayenne pepper
handful of salad leaves

in a saucepan place the egg and cover with cold water and salt and cook for 10mins ,whilst the egg is boiling trim off crust from the sliced bread and cut into uniformed cubes,

fry the crutons in a deep fryer for 3-4mins  drain and allow to cool
cut the frankfurter and scallions diagonally,chop green pepper and just shred the lettuce place all into a bowl
and mix.

when the boiled egg has cooled in cold water peel and slice 
put your salad in a plate and on top lay the sliced egg and sprinkle the paprika to give it that kick ,yummy!!! 

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