Friday 11 March 2016

Banana bread ultimate taste

BANANA BREAD before now i use to make it every now and
then its been more than 4yrs since i bake this bread and
after such a long time the taste brings fond memories
i tell you
here is an easy RECIPE to follow


1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
a pinch of salt
2 eggs
1 cup brown sugar or white
1 ripe bananas
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup vegetable oil

#grease lightly a loaf tin a,and preheat the oven 180 dgrs
#mix dry ingredients  and put aside
#mash the bananas,now add oil ,sugar,using an electric mixer till creamy
##add eggs1@ a time till creamy
#stir in dry ingerdients, also stir in buttermilk let it incorporate
##pour into  the tin loaf and place in the preheated oven for 50min depending on your oven.
# enjoy